This article shares how to create multiple ecosystem members in your member library in PARTNER CPRM by uploading a CSV spreadsheet.
To learn how to add an individual member to your member library, read our article: Create a Member 
Experiencing problems while uploading your member spreadsheet? Read our Troubleshooting Guide to address the problem and get more information. How to Upload Multiple New Members to Your Library: Step-by-Step Instructions
1. First, login to PARTNER CPRM and open your ecosystem.
2. On the lefthand side of the screen, click "Members" within the ecosystem navigation menu to open your ecosystem member library.
3. Within your member library, click "Add" at the top of the screen.
4. In the dropdown menu that appears, click "Members From File"
6. In the modal window that pops up, click "Download Member Spreadsheet."

NOTE: If you want to upload and assign custom attributes to your members, you must create your custom attributes first. When you go to download your member spreadsheet template, it will automatically include new columns for each of your custom attributes. Adding them to the spreadsheet yourself will produce an error.
5. Open the spreadsheet and add your member info and data, one member per row, including all the required fields:
Primary Organization
Node Label (2-5 letters - anything longer will not display properly)
7. Add optional GIS Map data to conduct place-based analysis later. Search for a place or address to add it automatically. Otherwise, add the following pieces of info:
Postal Code
8. Add optional member attributes, which allow for more types of analysis later. You can add custom member attributes later.
First and Last Name
Job Title
Phone Number
Primary Org Function

NOTE: Do not delete any attribute columns from the spreadsheet, even if you are not using them. Leave the data cells empty, but keep the column there, or you produce an error during uploading.
9. Save and export the file as a CSV file.
10. Return to the member library, click "Add," click "Members From File."
11. In the modal window that pops up, click "Upload Member File" and select your saved spreadsheet.
11. Take a moment to review all the fields and data and ensure it matches. If not, click "Back."
12. Once ready, click "Add" to complete the upload.
Return to your member library to view your newly added members to ensure their info and data is correct.