Webinar: Using PARTNER CPRM to Strengthen Network Connections

Webinar: Using PARTNER CPRM to Strengthen Network Connections

To address wicked problems like social isolation and social need, we need to take network approaches that leverage coalitions of community partners to achieve collective impact. However, without some kind of data to guide your efforts, this work can be difficult to achieve any significant progress.

Our PARTNER Community Partner Relationship Manager is an all-in-one tool for mapping and tracking networks of community partnerships. Send regular surveys to learn about how your partners trust and value each other, identify key partners, and leverage shared resources and information more effectively.

Watch the Webinar:
In this webinar we will demonstrate the newly re-designed PARTNER CPRM and walk through each step of using the platform. Dr. Danielle Varda, our CEO and Founder, will also take time to answer specific questions you have and spend more time sharing additional features of interest.

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