View Member Profiles

View Member Profiles

You can view a member profile to explore all their attributes, metrics, and network maps in one place. Customize your profiles first to choose a custom layout with the specific data and visualizations of interest to you.

When you are ready to view a member profile, there are two different ways to find them:

How to View a Member Profile in the Member Library

Follow these instructions to view a member profile while in your member library.

1. Log in to your PARTNER CPRM account and click “Members” to open the member library.

2. Click the ‘more options’ icon to the right of the member whose profile you want to view.

3. Click “Member Profile” in the dropdown menu that opens.

4. The member profile will open in a new window to view and explore.

How to View a Member Profile in the Analyzer

1. Click “Analyzer” to open up your network map of choice.

2. Click a node whose profile you want to view.

3. Click the small ‘eye’ icon in the member info window that opens.

4. The member profile will open in a new window to view and explore.

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