View a Member Card

View a Member Card

This article shows how to to view a member card with all their secondary contacts, attributes, captures, and notes.

How to View a Member Card: Step-by-Step Instructions

Follow these steps:

1. Click “Members” in the ecosystem navigation menu to open the member library.

2. Click the name of the member whose card you want to view.

3. The card will slide open from the right side of the screen.

4. Switch between the available card modules to view the member’s data, notes, secondary contacts, and which captures includes it.

5. Click the small ‘edit’ icon at the top right to edit the member.

6. Scroll down to view all the member’s data.

7. Click outside the member card when done to return to the library.

If you want to change how your attributes are organized and laid out, add them to Attribute Groups and change their order to what you prefer.

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