This article demonstrates how to setup and use question logic to skip or display specific questions to specific respondents based on logic settings you create using attributes or previous question responses. This includes display logic and skip logic.
Using Skip and D Logic
First, create your questions and set them up in a question group before you setup question logic in PARTNER CPRM.
Question logic is setup within a question group - not in the survey screen within a capture.

What is Question Logic?
When designing a survey, there may be certain questions or blocks/sets of questions you do or do not want to appear for certain respondents. This is done by setting up logic conditions to determine whether questions are displayed based on a respondent's attribute type or specific response to a survey question. There are two types of logic available: display and skip logic.
Display Logic
Display Logic is used when deciding when to display questions. To use display logic, respondents must be assigned attributes. Display logic can be applied to both question blocks and individual questions.
The logic pop-up will appear when the logic icon is clicked. In order to use lock logic, click Add Condition under Display Logic.
Clicking Add Condition will bring up this pop up which will then allow the user to choose the attribute field, choose the condition, and choose the wanted attribute within that field. To add another condition, simply click Add Condition again.
To delete a condition, press the red cancel button.
If multiple conditions have been created, a AND/OR option will appear between conditions.
Choosing AND means both conditions need to be met for a question/block to display. Selecting OR means at least one of these conditions (attribute types) needs to be met for a question/block to display.
Skip Logic
Skip logic is used when locking a question and its response options and can only be applied to blocks of questions. To use skip logic, attributes must be assigned to respondents before using skip logic. Skip logic enables the respondent to see previously answered questions but not be able to edit their original responses. This is mainly used for breaking a survey into parts without making the respondent take the entire survey again.
Skip logic is setup in the same way as display logic: Click the small 'logic' icon above a question in a question group. Click "Add Condition" in the skip logic area, and add a logic condition. When that condition 'is' or 'is not' met, the respondent will skip ahead to the preset question (below, Q10). Click 'save' to activate your question logic.
If you have questions or experience any issues while using question logic, contact our team for assistance: