Understanding your CPRM Account

Understanding your CPRM Account


PARTNER is built using network science and social network analysis principles and methods that aren't always obvious. Getting familiar with some common terms and concepts is a good first step to get to know the PARTNER CPRM platform and your account. Check out the full User Guide for more information.

Social Network Analysis: A method for visualizing and analyzing networks of interconnected people and organizations to understand the nature of their relationships and the outcomes they produce.

Network Science: An interdisciplinary field focusing on the study of complex networks, such as social networks, biological networks, and technological networks. It combines theories and methodologies from various disciplines to understand how networks function, evolve, and affect the entities within them.

Network: A structure made up of nodes (individuals, organizations, etc.) that are connected by edges (relationships or interactions).

Nodes & Edges: Nodes represent the entities in a network, such as people or organizations. Edges are the connections between these nodes, representing relationships or interactions.

Attributes: Characteristics or properties assigned to nodes or edges in a network, such as demographic information, roles, or the type of relationship.

Relational Data: Information that describes the connections between nodes, including the nature, quality, and intensity of these relationships.

Ecosystem: The entire network of interconnected entities, including their relationships and interactions, within a specific context or community.

Capture: The process of collecting data about the network, including information on nodes, edges, and their attributes.

Members: The individuals or organizations that are part of the network being analyzed.

Questions: Specific queries or prompts used to gather information from network members, typically through surveys or interviews.

Analyzer: A tool within PARTNER CPRM that allows users to visualize and analyze the network's structure, relationships, and dynamics.

GIS Mapping: Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping enables the visualization of network data on a geographic map, providing spatial context to the relationships and interactions.

Degree Centrality: A measure of the number of direct connections a node has in a network, indicating its level of activity or influence.

Trust: An attribute that measures the confidence network members have in each other, often evaluated through survey responses or relational data.

Value: An attribute that assesses the perceived benefit or importance of a relationship within the network.

Relationship Intensity: A measure of the strength or closeness of a connection between nodes, often based on frequency of interaction or depth of the relationship.

Crosstabs: A method for analyzing the relationship between two or more variables by displaying the data in a matrix format.

Visualization: The graphical representation of network data, including maps, charts, and diagrams, to aid in the understanding and analysis of the network.

Profiles: Detailed summaries of individual nodes or entities within the network, including their attributes and relationships.

Dashboards: Interactive displays that provide a comprehensive overview of network data, metrics, and analytics, allowing users to monitor and assess the health and dynamics of their network.

PARTNER Platform Quick Tour

When you open your PARTNER CPRM account, the first screen that you see is the ecosystem home page.

Within your ecosystem menu along the left side of the page you can see all of your libraries for members, questions, reports, and your ecosystem analyzer. 


We capture data from our ecosystem members to start mapping relationships in the analyzer. Drawing from our question library and member library, we setup surveys to engage with them and identify who knows who and how they are working together.

Captures contain modules for the members, questions, and emails you need to gather data, plus modules for analysis and reports at a capture-level. When you open a Capture, the first screen you see is your Overview page. It has a real-time map of your relational data, response rate data, and a link to export your data.

Capture Overview Screen

You can then return to the ecosystem on the leftside to create dashboards and reports or analyze and map data from multiple captures

At the bottom left of the screen, you can click to access our Help Center, visit your account settings menu, or log out of your account.

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