Sort and Filter Member Data

Sort and Filter Member Data

This article explains how to sort and filter your member library to help find the right data.

How to Filter Member Data: Step-by-Step Instructions

First, login to your PARTNER CPRM account. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Click “Members” in the navigation menu to open your member library.
  2. Click “Filter” at the top right side of the screen

  1. Choose an attribute to filter members.
  2. Choose a logic option, either: IS, IS NOT, IS BLANK.
  3. Choose a response option (unless using “IS BLANK”).
  4. Add more attribute filters by clicking the “Add” button at the bottom left.
  5. Remove the filter by clicking the “Remove” button on the right.

Return to the member library. Your member list will now be filtered based on your settings.

Click “Filter” again to edit or turn off your filter settings.

How to Sort Member Data: Step-by-Step Instructions

Follow these steps to sort your member data based on an attribute of your choice.

  1. Navigate to your member library.
  2. Click the column header of the attribute you want to sort based on.
  3. Click it again to switch between ascending and descending sorting.

Your member library will remain the same if you navigate away so you do not need to sort and filter each time you return.

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