Share Profiles

Share Profiles

Sharing member profiles with your network members is a great way to give back to thank them for engaging with your survey and to build the community’s capacity for evidence-based collaboration. Here are your options for sharing member profiles using PARTNER CPRM.

How to Download a Member Profile PDF

Follow these steps to download a member profile:

1. Log in to your PARTNER CPRM account.

2. Open the member profile you want to download.

3. Click “Save PDF” at the top of the online profile.

4. Give it a name and confirm.

Follow these steps to share a link to access a specific respondent profile.

1. Log in to your PARTNER CPRM account.

2. Open the capture with the respondent you are interested in.

3. Click “Members” in the capture navigation menu.

4. Click the ‘more options’ icon to the right of the member whose profile you want to share.

5. Click “Respondent Profile Link” to copy the link to access the profile.

NOTE: This link shares the Respondent Profile, which is intended to be shared externally. This is customized separately from the Member Profile, which is internal-facing.
To send your survey respondents a member profile, you can use the built-in email templates in PARTNER CPRM. Follow these instructions.

1. Click “Email Templates” to open your email template library.

2. Click “Add” at the top of the page.

3. Create a new email template using the normal process.

4. Add a Template Variable for a Respondent Profile. This will add a link for each respondent to view and download their own profile without logging into the platform.

5. Return to your capture to send the email template manually or by scheduling it.

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