How to Map Your Network

How to Map Your Network

Start by displaying a network map with results from your network member selection (NMS) question. This shows who in the community is working together and where there are gaps. Coloring your nodes by sector or focus area provides another layer of detail to understand the collaborative landscape in your community.

Once you have some visible relational data, you can click “Analyzer” in the top right Data Capture Navigation menu to enter the Network Analyzer.

How to Map Your Network

  1. Open a capture with relational data and click  “Analyzer” in the capture menu at the top right of the page.
  2. Click "Network Map in the Analyzer menu  just below the capture menu.
  3. In the menu to the left of the map, click the dropdown box beneath “Color By” and select “Sector.”
The map you see visualizes which ecosystem members work together based on the network member selection results.

The legend panel on the right shows which sector each color represents. You can click a sector or color to filter out those nodes, another way to explore your network and its subgroups by sector or other member attributes. Click the color next to each sector to choose a custom color.

Use the Node and Relationship Settings on the left to further customize the data represented by your node and line color and size/thickness.

To save a network map to add to a dashboard or profile, click the save icon. Read our article on saving visualizations to learn more.

Next, we'll show you how to assess the level of relationship intensity across your partnerships.

Next Article: How to Assess Relationship Intensity

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