Hide & Display Settings for Network Maps

Hide & Display Settings for Network Maps

The hide & display settings in the network map analyzer lets you hide or display isolated nodes, node labels, and line arrowhead to simplify your network maps or add more detail. Here's how to access and use these settings.

How to Access and Use Hide/Display Settings for Network Maps

First, log in to your account and open your ecosystem. Then follow these steps:

1. Open either the ecosystem analyzer or a capture analyzer, depending on the data you want to map.

2. Click "Network Map" to ensure you have the correct module open within the analyzer.

3. Identify the buttons at the top-left side of the analyzer screen

4. Click them each to hide or display them (see image below).

We often recommend hiding these items at first to make it easier to navigate your map and adding them when a need for them becomes clear (often, less is more in a network map!)

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