Edit Survey Submission Settings

Edit Survey Submission Settings

What is included: 

  1. Submission page 
  2. How to offer immediate access to the member profile after taking the survey 
  3. Display logic for the member profile 

Submission Message

The submission message is what respondents will see after submitting their survey. This lets them know the survey was submitted successfully.

The survey manager can provide additional information such as their own contact information or any further information about the project, how their data will be used, etc.

View Member Profile After Taking Survey

There is an option to “Allow Respondent to view their Member Profile Overview.”

When this option is activated, a “View Member Profile” button displays on the submission page. Clicking on the member profile button will open a new webpage with the respondent’s survey data including network maps, survey answers, and scores.

Submission Page After Completing Survey

The project’s manager can customize the what profile information respondents can view.
  • Click here for instructions to setup the survey to display the member profile.
  • Click here to learn how to customize member profile information.
Member Profile Page

Display Logic for Member Profile

There is an option to add a display logic to control whether a respondent can view their profile if a certain condition related to attributes is met. Clicking on the display logic button displays a popup screen with an “Add Condition” button.

When a condition is added another popup screen appears with three dropdown menus:

  • Attribute category names
  • Is/is not equal to (meaning is or is not associated with that respondent)
  • Attribute types included in the selected attribute category.


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