Edit Node Settings for Network Maps

Edit Node Settings for Network Maps

PARTNER CPRM includes multiple ways to visualize your nodes based on their member attributes, question responses, and network scores. This allows you to layer multiple types of data to identify patterns and outliers across your network in multiple dimensions.

For example, you can size nodes by centrality or trust and color them by sector to quickly identify the most central members of the network in each sector and their connections across the network.

This article shares how to access and edit your Node Data Settings within the analyzer:

How to Access Node Settings in the Analyzer

First, make sure you are logged into the platform and have the correct ecosystem open. Then, follow these steps:

1. Open your analyzer at either the ecosystem level (to map data from multiple captures) or the capture level (to map data from only that capture).

2. Click the "Network Map" option in the analyzer menu at the top-right of the screen.

3. Click the top "nodes" icon in the left panel next to the analyzer window to open the Node settings. 

Within this settings tab, you have several options for displaying and filtering your member attributes and non-relational question responses.

How to Color Nodes by Attributes and Question Responses

The top drop-down menu allows you to choose an attribute or question response and color your nodes based on their data.

To color nodes using data:

1. Click the select menu and choose the data you want to visualize.

2. The map will update without the need to re-run it.

How to Size Nodes by Network Scores

The second drop-down menu allows you to choose a network score and size your nodes so those with a high score are larger and those with a low score are smaller. This is commonly used to visualize perceptions of trust and value like power and influence, openness to discussion, resource contribution, and reliability, as well as network metrics like in-degree and out-degree centrality. 

To size nodes using data:

1. Click the selector menu and choose the score you want to visualize.

2. The map will update without the need to re-run it.

How to Group Nodes by Attributes

You can use this feature to group your nodes in boxes in your network map based on any attribute, like sector, focus area, census tract, or department/organization to visualize your subnetworks and explore how they are connected both internally and externally with other subgroups. Here's how to use the feature:

1. Open your node settings on the left side of your network mapping screen.

2. Click the dropdown box labelled "Group By" and choose any attribute from your ecosystem.

3. The network map will re-layout your network map, sorting your nodes in boxes you can control and move by clicking and dragging.

4. Network subgroups can be re-sized by moving individual nodes within them.

5. Choose "Select" or click "Reset" to clear your subgroups and return to a single network map.

This map is also helpful for making large network maps easier to understand and explore.
Note: This option works best when using the default network map layout algorithm, which will be automatically selected whenever using this feature. For best results, do not change your layout algorithm while the "Group Nodes By" option is in use. 

How to Filter Nodes by Attributes and/or Question Responses

You can also filter out nodes based on attributes or question responses to only see members who fit a specific criteria. This is helpful for exploring sub-networks within the overall ecosystem, like all public sector members or all non-profit members. 

To Filter Nodes:

1. Click "Attributes" or "Non-Relational Questions" depending on which you want to use as criteria for your filter.

2. Then uncheck an attribute or question to hide all members who have any response selected for that attribute or question.

3. To filter out only some attribute options, but not others, click the drop-down menu to the right of the attribute to see all the options.

4. Uncheck any specific attribute or questions responses to hide member nodes who have that option. You will see a number showing how many fit that criteria.

5. You can filter using multiple attributes or question responses to drill down your network maps to very specific sub-groups.

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