Edit a Question Group

Edit a Question Group

This article shares how to edit a question in your question library. These can be used to create question groups and surveys for capturing relational data from the members of your ecosystem.

How to Edit a Question Group in Your Question Library

Start by logging into your PARTNER CPRM account and opening your ecosystem.

1. Click "Questions" on the left side of the screen within the Ecosystem Navigation Menu.

2. You will be taken to your question library. 

3. Click "Groups" at the top of the question library to view your question groups.

4. In the list of question groups, find the group you want to edit and click the 'more options' icon on the right (three dots).

5. Click "Edit" in the dropdown menu that shows up.

6. In the window that opens, you can edit your question group using the same options as when you created it. This includes:
  1. Add, edit, delete, or reorder questions.
  2. Add or delete blocks and pages and give them a name.
  3. Add Headers and text blocks with information.
  4. Use display logic to create conditions to show or hide certain questions or blocks based on attributes and survey responses.

The question group saves automatically in real-time as you edit.

When you are done, return to your ecosystem. You can find the updated group in your question library.

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