Edit a Capture

Edit a Capture

In this article, we will show how to edit a relational capture, including re-naming it, adding/removing members, questions, and email templates. 
What is a Capture?
A capture is a snapshot of a network within your ecosystem at one point in time. Captures are created by sending a set of ecosystem members a set of questions and then mapping and analyzing the resulting relational data. Captures can be explored individually or compared and combined for more advanced longitudinal and comparative analysis in your ecosystem analyzer.

How to Rename a Capture

First, log in to your PARTNER CPRM account and open your ecosystem.

1. Within your ecosystem, click "Captures" in the navigation menu on the left.

2. Find the capture you want to rename and click the 'more options' icon to the right of it. 

3. Click "Rename" in the dropdown menu that appears.

4. Rename the capture in the editable name field.

5. Click the 'enter' key when you are done.

The capture will now display the updated name.
NOTE: The capture name is used to auto-populate several fields, including the survey name merge tag used for email templates and survey invitations. Choose a name that is descriptive and is okay to be public-facing.

How to Remove Members from a Capture

1. Open the capture you want to remove members from.

2. Click "Members" in the top right capture navigation menu.

3. Find the member you want to remove and click the 'more options' icon to the right.

4. Click "Remove" in the dropdown menu that appears.

5. Confirm you want to delete this member by clicking "OK".
WARNING: This will delete all question responses associated with this member in this capture. It cannot be undone.

How to Add More Members to a Capture

1. Navigate to the member list in the capture.

2. Click "Add" at the top of the screen.

Choose to add a member already in your ecosystem (on the left) or create a new member (on the right)

4. If adding already-existing members, select them, then click "Save".

5. If creating a new member, hit "Add New"

6. Fill in the two required fields (member name and node label) and any other fields and attributes you want.

7. Click "Save" to finish adding the new member to both your capture and ecosystem.

The member will now exist in your capture and in your ecosystem.
NOTE: The new member will not have any relational data until you send them relational questions. This means if you have isolates hidden in your analyzer settings you may not see them in your visualizations.

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