Delete a Member

Delete a Member

This article shares how to delete an existing member of your ecosystem.
Deleting a member from your member bank will delete all of their responses, attributes, and relational data. Do not delete a member unless you are 100% certain you wish to do so. This action is irreversible. 

How to Delete a Member in Your Member Library: Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Login to PARTNER CPRM and open your ecosystem.

2. On the lefthand side of the screen, click "Members" within the ecosystem navigation menu to open your member library.

3. Within your member library, find the member you want to delete. If you have a lot of members, use the search and filter tools at the top right of the page.

4. Click the additional options icon on the far right of the row of the member you want to delete.

5. In the dropdown menu that opens, click "Delete."

6. In the modal window that opens, make sure you want to delete the member and all their data, then click "OK." If you do not want to cancel them, click "Cancel."

If you added members to pilot test your survey, deleting them will remove all their data so you can launch your survey.
If you want to make changes to your members, try editing them instead of deleting them.

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