Default Community Partner Network Survey Template

Default Community Partner Network Survey Template

This document lists 19 questions from the PARTNER question bank that is included in each PARTNER account. The wording here is suggested wording and we encourage you to modify it for your own community/cultural contexts. The entire survey is modifiable. The PARTNER validated survey has been used in over 4000 communities in all 50 states and over 40 countries, to help networks identify needs, leverage resources efficiently, evaluate the strength (and gaps) among member relationships, and ensure that networks have the capacity to address the needs of their community. Read this article for more information on how the metrics within the PARTNER Default survey were developed.

This Template is only for use with PARTNER CPRM 

NOTE: This survey is ONLY approved for use within the PARTNER CPRM platform. It is not available for use in other platforms or survey tools. If you are interested in adopting or licensing the use of this survey instrument, please contact us at

How should you use this survey template?

The entire survey is modifiable, although in some limited ways. You can use this template to draft up your own language and customize question changes. If you follow the structure of this template, you will be able to fit changes into the a survey in your ecosystem.

Download the survey template below

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