Adding GIS attributes to your ecosystem members allows you to map your network over a geographic map of your community or region. It adds another powerful layer of place-based data, including base layers with community and population data, to identify gaps and analyze your reach across neighborhoods and communities.
To use GIS mapping with your network, you must have physical address attributes associated with your ecosystem members. If you do not, go back and add that information in your member library before you continue or you will not see anything in the GIS mapping module.
How to Create a GIS Map of Your Network
Once you are ready to proceed, open a capture with data ready to map.
1. Click “Analyzer” on the top right of the capture screen.
2. Click "GIS Map" to open the GIS mapping module within the analyzer.
The map you see visualizes which ecosystem members are connected based on their network member selection data.
3. Click the paintbrush icon to open the styling menu and change your node, line, and label colors and sizes.
4. You have many options available to explore, edit, and customize your GIS map. Check out the following articles to learn how to filter your member and relationship data in network maps, edit your GIS map colors and labels, and add GIS base layers.
You can also create GIS maps in the ecosystem level using the same process as above.