Create a Dashboard

Create a Dashboard

This article explains how to create a dashboard to use for sharing your network maps, charts, data, and insights. We recommend waiting to create a dashboard until you have captured data and saved a few visualizations to add.

How to Create a Dashboard

First, login to your PARTNER CPRM account and open your ecosystem.

1. Click "Dashboards" within the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.

2. Within the reports library that opens, click "Add" at the top of the page.

3. This will open the dashboard builder where you can create your customized ecosystem dashboard.

4. Give it a title, which is required, in the field at the top in the title block.

5. You can add an optional dashboard description, author list and contributor list. You can also edit these later. You cannot delete a title block.

6. After adding a title, you will have the ability to add report blocks by clicking "Add: Block" at the bottom of the page.

7. In the empty block, you can format it with 1-4 columns using the dropdown menu at the top.

8. In each column, select one of these panels to add:
  1. Network Maps
  2. Text
  3. Charts 

9. After selecting an element, write a name for the panel.

10. Choose a data capture to draw from, and a specific visualization.

11. Choose whether to show a legend and where to display it.

12. Review your choices and click "Save."

13. You can re-arrange blocks and columns by clicking the small arrows at the top right of them each.

14. To delete a block or column, click the small trash icon at the top of them each.

15. To see what your dashboard looks like, click "Preview" at the top left of the page.

16. To share the dashboard, click "Publish" when viewing it in the builder. You can share the link provided for sharing a live, online, interactive dashboard. Alternatively, click "Print" to save a PDF or print and share a paper copy as a report. 

The dashboard builder saves in real-time, so you can click "Dashboards" to return to your library once you are finished creating your dashboard.

Checking the "Allow Profile Sharing" option allows your ecosystem members to view one another's profiles by clicking nodes in network maps. Make sure you have permission to share this information and access before you select this option..

The dashboard builder saves in real-time, so you can click "Dashboards" to return to your library once you are finished creating your dashboard.

We are working on adding additional report options for adding tables, cross-tabs, and images to reports with more layout and design functionality.

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