To ensure the validity of your data, you need a high response rate - the percentage of organizations who successfully start, answer, and submit your survey. We’ve included easy ways to check your response rates after sending a PARTNER CPRM capture survey so you can conduct targeted follow up with email reminders to boost your engagement.
How to Check Your Survey Response Rate
Follow these step-by-step instructions to check your survey response rates.
1. Log in to your PARTNER CPRM account.
2. Click “Captures” to open your capture library and click a capture to open it.
3. On the Overview page, you can view your overall response rates in the “Survey Overview” panel.
4. To view response info for each individual member, click “Members” at the top right side of the page.
5. Each member’s survey status and survey completion rate are viewable in the capture member library.
6. Use the filter feature to view all members who have submitted, started, or not started.
Checking your response rates helps you conduct more targeted outreach to members who have not yet started or submitted your survey to improve the quality of your PARTNER CPRM data.