

Attribute | Network Encyclopedia

What is an Attribute?

An attribute is a characteristic or data point associated with a member of your network. For example, an organization's address, sector, focus area, and type of partner are all different attributes.

Types of Attributes

There are numerous types of attributes, including but not limited to these examples:
  1. Identity Data: The name of an organization and primary and secondary contacts.
  2. Contact Info: Email address, phone number, and physical address information.
  3. Characteristics: Demographic data, activities, resources, expertise, mission, etc.
  4. Notes and Tags: Notes on relationship sentiment or partner interests, etc.
  5. Dates and Times: Previous meetings and events attended or hosted together.


Attributes can help you organize data more effectively and conduct more advanced network analysis later in the process of CPRM.
  1. Organization: Use attributes to manage data and information related to partners in a consistent manner across your organization and community.
  2. Visualization: Add colors and filter nodes in network maps based on attributes to demonstrate powerful network science insights.
  3. Analysis: Use crosstabs and charts to compare responses based on attributes and identify patterns based on partner characteristics and tags.
  4. Reports: Attributes are helpful ways to organize your reports as you progressively analyze and interpret each data point and measure.