This article shares how to add a question in your question library. These can be used to create question groups and surveys which you can send to capture relational data from the members of your ecosystem. Create a question from scratch or use our default community partner survey questions.

We highly recommend starting with our default PARTNER questions instead of creating your own if you are new to social network analysis.
How to Create a New Question in Your Ecosystem
Start by logging into your PARTNER CPRM account and opening your Ecosystem.
1. Click "Questions" on the left side of the screen within the Ecosystem Navigation Menu.
2. You will be taken to your question library. Click "Add" at the top of the screen.
3. In the dropdown menu that appears, click "Add Question."
4. In the modal window that opens, click "Select Question" to selection a question type.
5. In the dropdown menu that opens, select the type of question to use. There is an option to use our template survey PARTNER questions, including our validated trust and value scores, relationship intensity scale, and other measures and metrics. You can also create your own questions from scratch. There are four question types, each with several sub-types.
Network Member Selection Question: This question allows your ecosystem members to select other members they are connected to and creates the structure of your network map.
Bounded List: Your ecosystem members can only pick partners they are connected to from the list you provide.
Name Generator: Your ecosystem members can add the names of their partners on their own.
Bounded List + Name Generator: You start with a list of partners, and ecosystem members can add additional names.
Relational Questions: These questions allow you to collect relational data about the quality and type of connections in your network.
Single Choice: Ask your members a single-choice question about their relationships
Multiple Choice: Ask your members a multiple-choice question about their relationships
Non-Relational Questions: These questions allow you to non-relational data using standard survey questions like open-ended and multiple choice questions.
Open-ended: Ask your members an open-ended question.
Single Choice: Ask your members a single-choice question.
Multiple Choice: Ask your members a multiple-choice question.
Matrix Questions: These questions allow you to respond to a series of prompts with the same set of response.
Matrix Single Choice: Ask your members a matrix question where they must pick one response from a list for a series of prompts.
Matrix Multiple Choice: Ask your members a matrix question where they can pick multiple responses from a list for a series of prompts.
6. Click the question type you want to create.
7. Write the question text. For pre-loaded PARTNER questions, you may be able to choose a specific language.
8. For multiple choice and matrix questions, add response options for respondents to select. You have three options:
- You can add custom responses,
- Use a respondent's previously selected responses to a previous question, or
- Use the response options from another question.
Some questions have additional options and settings to choose from, especially Network Member Selection (NMS) questions:
9. For Bounded List Network Member Selection (NMS) questions, answer other optional settings, like whether to group the member list based on an attribute like sector.
12. For Name Generator NMS questions, select whether respondents can select and/or search for partners added by other respondents. This reduces duplication and speeds up the data cleaning process.
13. Click "Save" to add the question. Click cancel to return to the question lank and start over.
You can organize your questions using question groups, add skip and display logic, re-order them, and use the group as survey templates to quickly capture data from partners in the future.