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Eigenvector Centrality
Eigenvector Centrality | Network Encyclopedia What is an Eigenvector Centrality? Eigenvector Centrality measures the influence of a node in a network by considering not just the number of its connections, but also the importance of the nodes it is ...
Spring Layout
Spring Layout | Network Encyclopedia What is a Spring Layout? A Spring Layout is a type of network visualization algorithm that uses the principles of physics to position nodes in a way that reveals the structure of the network. Nodes are treated as ...
Clustering | Network Encyclopedia What is Clustering? Clustering in network science refers to the tendency of nodes to form tightly connected groups or triangles. A cluster occurs when a node’s neighbors are also connected to one another, creating a ...
Path Length
Path Length | Network Encyclopedia What is Path Length? Path Length refers to the distance, measured in the number of edges, between two nodes in a network. It quantifies how many steps it takes to travel from one node to another. Path length is a ...
Closeness Centrality
Closeness Centrality | Network Encyclopedia What is Closeness Centrality? Closeness Centrality measures how close a node is to all other nodes in the network, based on the shortest paths. A node with high Closeness Centrality has shorter average ...