Recent Articles
Hide & Display Settings for Network Maps
The hide & display settings in the network map analyzer lets you hide or display isolated nodes, node labels, and line arrowhead to simplify your network maps or add more detail. Here's how to access and use these settings. How to Access and Use ...
Change Relationship Settings for Network Maps
PARTNER CPRM includes multiple ways to visualize and color your relationships (lines) based on their relationship data. This allows you to layer multiple types of data to identify patterns and outliers across your network. For example, you can color ...
Change Node Settings for Network Maps
PARTNER CPRM includes multiple ways to visualize your nodes based on their member attributes, question responses, and network scores. This allows you to layer multiple types of data to identify patterns and outliers across your network in multiple ...
Styling Your Network Map
The PARTNER CPRM Analyzer includes multiple options for styling your network maps to give them a custom, personalized look and feel. Here are instructions on how to access and leverage our analyzer style settings. Access Styling Settings for Network ...
Access the Insights Library
The Insights Library is a new feature in the PARTNER CPRM analyzer that provides users with valuable information and resources to help interpret network data and visualizations. It offers four types of insights for various topics related to network ...